go one level up if you want warnings, there are no warnings on this page!
page titles may have mild spoilers!
- home - vague intro & site updates
- me - profile
- works - index for my art, writing, and worldbuilding pages
- original stuff
- hygira - my main worldbuilding project
- world - the main worldbuilding document for hygira
- characters
- stories - stories set in hygira, in varying levels of completeness.
- artworks - art set in hygira, or featuring hygiran characters
- hygira - my main worldbuilding project
- fanworks
- original stuff
- opinions - index for pages on various things i like or reccomendations
- video games - a list of video games i like, with various amounts of detail
- comics - my favorite characters and reccomended reading for them, plus my favorite limited runs
- movie night - a log of movies i've watched with my mom, also live theatre
- elsewhere - links (me)
- discord - my discord
- status info - where my statuses come from
- discord - my discord
- links - links (other people)
- sitemap - this