snow cavern

In Which Robin Meets Cade's Family

When Robin came back, he was settled in Cade’s arms. “You back with me,” Cade rumbled.

Robin hummed, pressing into Cade’s hold. “Mhmm. That was really good.” The two sat for a moment, then Robin muttered, “I should probably get back to my hotel.”

Cade shrugged. Robin could feel it on his back. “You can stay the night if you want. I won’t mind.”

“Mm, Really? Is your husband going to take offense? I know this is mostly a sex thing.”

“He won’t mind either,” Cade said firmly. “The rest of my family is going to be at breakfast, though.”

Robin perked up. “That would be nice, then! I’ve never met Yeprasi, let alone the rest of your family.”

“Alright, that’s settled. Sleep now, sweet thing.”

“Mmm. You too. Gnight.”

“Good morniiiing,” Robin yawned, wandering into the kitchen in the day before’s pants and one of Cade’s shirts. There was someone at the counter who turned to greet him.

“Good moring! You’re Robin, then?” asked the man who could only really be Cade’s husband.

“I am! You’re Yeprasi?” Robin asked. Even if he thought he knew, it was always good to check.

Yeprasi nodded. “Mhm. Good to know you.”

“Good to know you,” Robin responded politely. It was a little surreal, meeting his favorite dom’s husband when she wasn’t even in the house. “Where’s Cade?”

“Ah, they went out to pick up brunch,” Yeprasi said.

Robin blinked. “Brunch, already? It’s like, early.”

“It’s midmorning,” Yeprasi responded from behind his coffee mug.

“Woah, really?” This was genuinely surprising to Robin. He thought it was an hour after sunrise at most. “Normally I rise with the sun.”

“Well,” Yeprasi started, setting down his mug, “the blackout curtains in that room are really good.” Then he smirked and waggled his eyebrows at Robin. “And I bet you were tired after last night, hmmmm?”

Robin laughed, “I guess I was!” He sighed, a sappy look on his face. “You’ve quite the catch. Cade’s so good to me.”

Yeprasi smiled. “Good! I’m glad. She’s fond of you herself. He’s called you his favorite sub before.”

“Whoa,” Robin said, staring, “Really? Not you?”

“Oh, I don’t sub,” Yeprasi responded easily.

Robin nodded. “That makes sense.”

“Pretty much everyone else Cade sleeps with is, though,” Yeprasi said, “And that’s basically half the pack.”

Robin blushed, pleased. “That’s ego feeding.”

Just a few moments later, there was a knock on the door, and Robin turned to the doorway just as a woman entered.

The woman smiled brightly. “I have arrived!”

“Belarosa!” Yeprasi called, “good to see you.”

“Hey, Yeye. Good to see you too,” the woman, Belarosa, said in response, smiling.

“Hello!” Robin gave a cheery wave.

Belarosa smiled at him. “Hey! Cade said there would be someone new this time, you must be Robin.”

“Yeah, kind of a last minute addition,” Robin said with a laugh, “--As in she asked me last night. Good to know you, Belarosa.”

“Good to know you, Robin.”

Robin drank his coffee while Belarosa and Yeprasi chatted. Eventually there was enough of a lull that Robin could ask the question he had been wondering for a while.

“So are you Cade's... sister?”

Yeprasi barked a laugh, while Belarosa chuckled wryly.

“Ha, no, no, I'm Cade's daughter.”

“This happens every time,” Yeprasi muttered

“...Huh.” Robin thought about that for a moment. Still didn’t make sense. “You look older than he does?”

Belarosa sighed. “Yeah, I do, don't I. Well. She had me pretty young, and... You hunt, right?”


“So you know about Cade's curse.”

“I do, what does... Ah.” Right. Cade’s curse- Unaging immortality, bound to the very land she protects.

“Yeah.” Belarosa nodded. “Cade stopped aging around the age I am now, so...”

“Well, that's...” What could he even say to that. “amusing. And only going to get worse.”

“YUP.” Belarosa set down her bags heavily. “I am so not excited to be mistaken for their mom,” she grumped.

“Oh nooo. Lady, I'm sorry,” Robin said. She must be so tired of that assumption.

“No trouble, you didn't know. He hasn't told you about me, though?”

“Oh, uh,” Lady curse him, Robin didn’t know how to handle that question from Cade’s KID. “We don't see each other often, and when we do we're usually busy. Hunts and stuff.”

“Oh, so it's like that then,” Belarosa said lecherously.

Yeah, she totally knew what was going on.

The door closed lightly. “What's like what then?” Cade asked as they entered the kitchen.

“Hey, Cade,” Robin said.

“Hi, honey.”

“Heya Cade! Robin was telling me why he's never heard of me before,” Belarosa said with a sharp smirk.

“I assumed she was your sister.”

“Ah. No, she's my oldest kid.” He moved to put the groceries he got away. “Carya was going to come but got called into something, he's my son.”

Robin narrowed his eyes. “And how old is he compared to you?”

“He's older than you by about two years, I had him when I was 30.”

“Wow. Somehow I never imagined you with kids.”

“Nobody does,” Yeprasi said.

“No more kids for me, anyway. YY doesn't want 'em.”

“I am not a paternal person.”

“And that's just fine, love.”