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We defy it. It's not enough. New Particles, 2023-06-16
.........jonstantine thinkin bout john constantine.
doesn't see the hammer nail his own hand down Hammer, Tune-Yards
Be Active! Be Green! went to a park in the burbs with my dad & brother, literally every bench we saw except One had "Be Active! Be Green!" on it. (my brother's status is also this)
it's the fucking flintstones theme again i've been listening to a bunch of SiIvaGunner rips lately and the flintstones theme shows up a lot. whenever it does i'm like "huh, this i kind of recognize this melody, what's it from" and then the song moves on and a while later i'm like ".........oh"
you had many other options i saw this tumblr post while (unknown verb)ing a blog's archive and started laughing hysterically.
Maddness!! Terrror!! Nirvana!! parts of the subtitles from the soundshock trilogy of compilation albums:
gull, auk, tern, booby, skua, loon, albatross, kittiwake BLOOM, Mark Guiliana (all the lyrics websites are wrong!!!)
if i were a leopard slug... Chivalry Is Not Dead, Hiatus Kaiyote
🗒️ this year for my birthday i got THREE EXAMS not only did i get three exams i set the curve on one and broke the curve on another (perfect score). nice!
why are there so many ways to denote NOT seriously there's x̄ and ~x and !x and ¬x and Nx and x' and even -x
sadly, irreversible Once You Get To Know Us, jeremy messersmith
IT'S IN MY-IT'S IN MY-IT'S IN MY-IT'S IN MY-IT'S IN MY-IT'S IN MY- the first disk of Substance D is a continuous mix cut into songs, which means the transitions can be a little....
that's just the same song twice! regarding spotify wrapped; my number one for the year is an alternate mix of my number two
Now scream!△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△ PaRappa the Rapper 2 TAS
▶️ x
Move, and you change the air you displace. New Particles, 2022-10-07
undo to undo to redo White Midnight, Reol
both perfect and mundane, years and years ago i read a story about someone who had a tattoo that read something like "elbows," - it wasn't actually "elbows,", but it was probably a body part? and critically, with the comma. it was something that caught the storyteller's attention, something that made them think about what the purpose of that comma was, something that made them talk to that person. the person with the tattoo was part of a piece of art- participating in it, i mean- where a whole bunch of people got a single word of a story tattooed, and they happened to get a word that was attached to a comma, like that. i hardly remember anything about the story, not who wrote it or anything that could really help me look for it, but the idea of samples of works, things clearly fragmented, has stuck with me since. you can see it, even, in this list.
anyway this is from, as usual, New Particles, 2022-09-09
I love you but I have chosen the infinite. New Particles, 2022-08-26
And then it got very cool. from an untitled John Ashbery poem, the one on the Irene Hixon Whitney bridge
I dreamed of songs; I had no idea. New Particles, 2022-08-05
But I'm not alone. i think this is from the last chapter of ghost trick? might be paraphrased.
YOUR MOM IS A MUSHROOM MOTHER Mushroom Mother, PinocchioP
glass of milk! Mammal, They Might Be Giants
hee hoo music :) hee hoo :) music :)
🔥 IT'S TOO FUCKING HOT it was, indeed, too fucking hot
Our enemies will preserve our gifts, every one but the last. New Particles, 2022-05-27
🕊 free as a bird at long last i was done with finals and school
Death from the skies! Yay!!! i have literally no idea. i wouldn't just say this, this has to be a quote from something...
they billow and blur and suffuse New Particles, 2022-04-08
"Ask me your question, engineer, I am not afraid." this is from a really really good and also extremely explicit and extremely serious lysandre/sycamore fanfic. i can't believe it's a fucking pokémon fanfiction.
vainglorious 's just a word.
don't stick memes up your bones! this is a corruption of Wikipedia:Don't stuff beans up your nose
quand est un poisson pas un poisson ? this is a combination of a common riddle format and the 'no such thing as fish' taxonomy conversation that's been going on in my circles lately. also it's in french.
run rings right wrongs Run Rings Right Wrongs, Cosmo Sheldrake
All you can hope to do is kill them, / and after that you can never again hold their hands / or change their minds. New Particles, 2022-02-25
A system can be rigged even if the people in charge of it are honest this is from a column in the guardian that i barely even skimmed. this line stuck with me though, clearly.
How ironic that, on the eve of my violent uprising, I have finally forgiven you. this is from a pokémon chatfic. really.
Similar emotions in the wheel are adjacent to each other.[58] Anger, Anticipation, Joy, and Trust are positive in valence, while en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotion_classification
pokémon mood lately i was in a pokémon mood, what can i say
BOOSTER. FUCKING. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD The Human Target (2021) #3 had a really good booster gold characterization. i got a little excited.
The volition to sing is a will towards a better world, New Particles, 2022-02-11
I am not a cruel person by instinct, though I will get there if you let me. from Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow #8
how do i make an instrumental melody a status I believe this was referring to Mag Mell by sasakure.UK, but I may be mistaken.
World's going to hell anyway, have a good time. no idea.
we live in a righthanded universe en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-hand_rule
glass of milk! Mammal, They Might Be Giants
it doesn't end this way, because it doesn't end New Particles, 2022-01-28