snow cavern


this is my website for various things! mostly worldbuilding projects and art, but other things might also turn up. typoes abound, some of which are even intentional!
there will be some unmarked swearing. any other sensitive things that may or may not show up, from paintings of weird bug guts to spoilers for a decade old video game, will be clearly marked.

site updates


hiiii been a while. again. i graduated! read my research paper. my capstone writeup will also be put up here eventually, it's just harder to convert to a webpage.


happy new year! been a while. the hygira gallery is back down because it was bad (all of my files are massive. i need to format them to actually post them.) also i am reworking how the worldbuilding is formatted, but that will be later. probably. but i did get pokémon storie up! yaaaaay :)


a list of characters that i don't have designs for yet has appeared. hopefully temporary.


hygira gallery is up!


intended to get a hygira gallery up, instead uploaded my blaseball stories. at least that's productive? (also, the index now has a noscript navbar. i'll get the rest of the site later.)


ok... i think i got everything! galleries will be added... eventually. please let me know if i've missed something (there will be a broken image at the very very bottom of the page)


ran the site through a couple accessibility checkers in preperation of actually putting images in. today and tommorow, a couple things will shift around, and the ants will leave for greener pastures.


happy TDoV! caught up on a backlog of stuff for movie night, which is mostly theatre at this point. i think we've given up. unrelated news: some of my local links are throwing 404s? i promise the pages still exist! uh, you could try adding `.html` to the end of the url if you get thrown a 404, i guess.


lots of new links added! the list of movies & discord status pages have also been updated a bunch but that was over time.


hi i have opinions on comics and games and other things but we shall see. also under the main opinions page is a list of movies that i have watched with my mom on our weeklyish movie night. we started this weekend! we won't watch another one for like a month because of plans but... there will be other movies there eventually!!


last day before school, so i added a sitemap!


gallery has been renamed works. i don't just do art, after all!
a bunch of text-based stuff has also been uploaded, mostly stories set in Hygira. i might poke at making a seperate layout for them but for now they're just on the same format as everthing else.
galleries coming... soonish, i start school soon so who knows what that will do to my time


added either a roadmap or a table of contents to my gallery page. probably a table of contents. it's.... a lot more than i thought it would be lol...
also added a status info page from my discord page, because sometimes i pull quotes from really wild places (but mostly from New Particles. lol.)


images, images, i love images ∼𝅘𝅥𝅮 (i added the header and foxhead :>)
my profile also has some words on it now!
also,have added a discord page! it's just my user#id + a record of my statuses lol, but it's not like i have an actual link to put in elsewhere for discord.


the ants have arrived :) i have given one of them a little snack.


initialization! i've got links and elsewhere in decent shape, and little else. however, it is late, so I will return on the morrow and fill shit in.