snow cavern

Hygira General Worldbuilding

eternally under construction.

this page has a table of contents.


You can be a Human, an Elf, a Dragon, a Cross between two of those, or a Demon.

If you are a Human, an Elf, or an Elf-Human Cross, you can also be a Vampire.
If you are a Human, an Elf, or an Elf-Human Cross,and not a Vampire, you can also be a Host.

If you are a Demon, you can also be a Visitant.

If you are a Human and not a Vampire or a Host, you can be a Ghost.

You can also be Green.


Humans hail from the Lower Continent. A versatile and strong-willed species, their families can come from the East, West, or Central Regions, from the Outlying Islands, or be Mixed. Despite their relatively short lifespans and lacking natural magic, Humans have the best records of their history of any of the four sentients.

East Humans are typically tall with thin, straight hair and small eyes. They tend to be fair-skinned.

West Humans are typically tall, but generally not as tall as Eastern Humans, with soft hair and almond-shaped eyes. They tend to be light-skinned.

Center Humans are typically of middling height with often curly hair and large, bright eyes. They tend to be dark-skinned.

Islander Humans are typically short with strong, wiry hair and deep-set eyes. They tend to be medium-skinned. They used to be termed Outlier Humans but this term has fallen out of favor in recent years.

Mixed Humans carry physical and/or cultural traits from two or more regions.

A Ghost is a Human soul that bonds to an object after death. They are born out of willpower and love. Willpower is what keeps a Ghost's soul on the mortal plane immediately after death; love is what maintains a Ghost's place on the mortal plane. Most Ghosts are born from young adult to middle age deaths, and remain in place until the time they would be an elder, at which point they fade into the Deaths. Ghosts formed from children and the elderly usually last until there is no longer enough love to support them; this can take anywhere between days and millennia.

A Human-Type Vampire (or Vampir) is a Human that gained the half-curse of Vampirism, almost always by being Turned by another Vampire, their Sire. Vampires are magical sanguivores with heightened strength, speed, and senses. They are averse to strong foods and commonly have some form of arithmomania. Human-Type Vampires have an aversion to bright light, especially sunlight, and silver. Vampires are functionally immortal (probably) and sturdy, but can only heal from injuries if they have enough blood. Vampires cannot have biological children.


Elves hail from the Upper Continent. A resilient and well-spoken species, Their families can come from the Sun or Moon lines, or be Mixed. Although less physically strong than other species and lacking natural magic, they have a thriving culture and boast the most well-known writers of the four sentients.

Sun Elves are tall with very long ears. They tend to have very smooth skin that is easily scarred and more saturated than Humans. Their hair is typically a few shades darker than their skin and does not grey, dulling instead. Some Sun Elf cultures dock their ears at a young age.

Moon Elves are short with small, pointed ears. They tend to have patterned skin with very little to no saturation. They are always born with pitch-black hair, though they grey quickly and completely.

Mixed Elves have physical traits from both Sun and Moon elves.

A Elf-Type Vampire (or Vampyre) is an Elf that gained the half-curse of Vampirism, typically by being Turned by another Vampire, termed a Sire. Vampires are magical sanguivores with heightened strength, speed, and senses. They are averse to strong foods and commonly have some form of arithmomania. Elf-Type Vampires have an aversion to running water, especially rivers, and salt. Vampires are functionally immortal (probably) and sturdy, but can only heal from injuries if they have enough blood. Vampires cannot have biological children.

Elf-Human Crosses are the most common type of Cross. They carry physical and cultural traits from both Elves and Humans. An Elf-Human Cross who becomes a Vampire takes on the same type of vampirism as their Sire. Elf-Human Crosses cannot have biological children.

Elves, Humans, and Elf-Human Crosses are known as Iron Persons. An Iron Person who cannot use magic is known as Cold Iron.


Dragons were the first sentients and will likely be the last. A powerful and highly-regarded species, Dragons come from a wide range of places. Though they require a great amount of energy to function, their ability to take in ambient magic makes them well suited to harsh or isolated environments. There are four sorts: Sea Cliff Dragons, Plainsdragons, and Mountain Dragons.

Sea Cliff Dragons hail from along the Southern Shore of the Upper Continent. They resemble Iron Persons in their bauplan except for their long, narrow wings and tails. They are typically dark with bright eyes.

Plainsdragons hail from the Central Lower Continent. They walk on their hind legs and their wings, leaving their arms free to carry things, use tools, or communicate. They are typically bright with dark eyes.

Children of a Sea Cliff Dragon and Plainsdragon have an about equal chance to be either.

Mountain Dragons commonly hail from the West Lower Continent, though were found in most mountain ranges before their decline. Mountain dragons are the most visually varied of dragon types, although they are typically quadrupedal due to their immense size. Mixed children of a Mountain Dragon are the same sort as their other parent but tend to be a bit larger and can have odd colors.

Dragons of the Lower Continent- mostly Plainsdragons and Mountain Dragons- typically use a quinary system for gender. The common genders are An, Man, Nean, Vaman, Woman, and Compound genders, though of course there are different individuals.

Human-Dragon Crosses carry physical and cultural traits from both Humans and Dragons. They tend to look like Humans with jewel eyes, horns, and long, pointed limbs.

Elf-Dragon Crosses carry physical and cultural traits from both Elves and Dragons. They tend to look like Elves with claws, scattered small scales, and long tails.

Dragon Crosses often legally fall under the category of Iron Persons, but are immune to many half-curses, including Vampirism, and cannot become Hosts. Occasionally, they-and-Iron Persons are called Steel Persons, but this is not an official term.


Demons are beings made of pure magic. They can be Divine or Common. They can also be Visitants or Roaming. All demons are excellent shapeshifters, though most "settle" into one form shortly after formation, and they cannot change their eyes.

Divine Demons are formed under various circumstances, such as when there is a mass of Green energy or when a God is killed.

Common Demons, usually just Demons, are formed when a demon splits, ending its life in exchange for two new lives.

Visitants are Demons that take up a Host. Divine Demons can take up Hosts in places, tending towards large places with lots of things that need to be kept in order, like markets, libraries, museums, and warehouses. Common Demons can take up Hosts in Iron Persons who are not vampires.
Being a Host can protect from some ailments, including curses and half-curses such as vampirism, some illnesses, and minor physical injuries.
After a time, Visitants will settle into their Hosts. While for Divine Visitants this only takes as long as it takes for them to learn their host structure, for Iron Visitants it can take years. Settled Visitants often do not leave their Host unless they are physically forced through the destruction or death of the host. Oftentimes, former Visitants will split immediately after leaving a long time Host to escape the trauma and grief.

Roaming Demons are simply demons who are not Visitants.


The Greenspeople are a catch-all group for anyone who comes from a different world. They can be Human, Elfish, Dragonic, Demonic, Godly, a Cross, or something else entirely. Nobody knows how Greenspeople come to Hygira. They are rare, but common enough for people to know about them.


Hygira's Two Continents

Lower Continent

The Lower Continent is the homeland of Humans, Plainsdragons, and Mountain Dragons. It is split into four regions: the East, the West, the Central Region, and the Outlying Islands.

The East is a cold, dry region. Most of the East's precipitation comes from spring snowfalls. The land is very flat, with many rivers surrounded by wooded areas. Outside the wooded areas are hilly tundras. All notable cities are within the wooded areas, with very few permanent settlements on the tundra; most who live on the tundra are instead nomadic.

The West is a warm, mountainous region, with a massive rainforest. Most notable cities are on the foothills or within the expansive caverns in the mountains themselves, which seem to go on forever.

The Central Region is a large region with a varied climate. Notable biomes include prairies, deserts, and lakes. Most Plainsdragons come from the Central Region.

The Outlying Islands are mostly to the South and South-East of the Lower Continent, although there are a few to the South-West also. They vary in climate and are mainly habited by Humans.

Due to a magical accident, the Lower Continent is beset by Bestis, mindless masses of mobile magic, that must be maintained by Hunters.

Upper Continent

The Upper Continent is the homeland of Elves and Sea Cliff Dragons. It is split into five main regions: Askurg, Daulma, Eysposs, Kolklaks, and the Whela. The Upper Continent also holds the birthplace of Divine Demons: the Favourtrade.

Askurg is

Daulma is

Eysposs is

Kolklaks is

The Whela is a dead volcano, one of only a handful in Hygira. It is by far the largest.

Hi Whela surrounds and covers the Whela.

Su Whela is within the Whela.

The Waters

(Ihrehst Sea.)

The Outer Ocean is what surrounds Hygira. It is not a homeland to any known sentient.

Hygira Does Not Have

(some of these are serious but some are silly)

space in general
a seafloor mostly
intercontinental air traffic
helicopters (the concept of aerial rotors is there but the execution is lacking)
an equator
corn (maize)
prion diseases
zombie stories
commuter vehicles in general
tourist traps
a tourism industry in general except natural tourism
virtual state ids
photo ids either actually, ids in general are kind of fucked for... various reasons
ball pits
plastic. how did i forget this.


Demons and Dragons are made of magic. Without magic, they would lose their forms and wither away. Because of this, they are born with certain magical abilities, though anything more must be learned.

Iron Persons don't have inherent species magic, but sometimes one is born with high magic. Even if one is born with low or no magic, there are always ways to use magic, be it through studying personal magic, making magic items, or making a pact with a Patron God. An Iron Person who uses magic, even a little bit, is known as a Magician.

Magic comes from Blood

A Magical person is any person with an amount of magic in their blood. This includes Demons, Dragons, and the Godly, as well as Iron persons born into magic at random (Iron Mages), or descended from another Magical person (Magi)

Iron Persons have a random chance to be born a Mage. Demons and Dragons fall into this category automatically.

Iron Mages start to present magical abilities during the teenage years, and need to practice control and effects. They typically channel through a ring.

Demons have almost complete shapeshifting from birth, minor telepathy and a natural telepathic language among their own kind, and the ability to become a Visitant.

Dragons have lower shapeshifting and typically enough wind magic to fly. They often also have some sort of breath magic come naturally, though it needs to be exercised often at a young age or it will fade.

Any Iron Person born with at least one Magical parent will be a Magus. Magi have an innate skill for magic from birth- this makes parenting one difficult. Due to them typically practicing constantly as children, most Magi hold some amount of magical ability into adulthood.

Magic comes from Study

Any Iron Person can learn magic, if they put in the work.

Witches studied under an older witch or learned on their own. They tend to be generalists, though typically have a preferred method of casting, often specific to their mentor's lineage.

Wizards attended wizard school and are typically really obnoxious about it. They tend to be specialists. Some notable schools get really granular about what they do and don't teach.

Mages, Magi, Witches, and Wizards are known as Casters

Magic comes from Objects

People who work with magic through the use of objects are known as A-Class Magicians. A-Class are the most common type of Magician.

Alchemists work with magical objects to make potions, tinctures, and powders. These materials can be applied to other objects or to people, allowing them to take on effects based on what was used. Alchemy is extremely dangerous and so is equally as regulated. Even black market Alchemists are heavily vetted by other, more powerful black market Alchemists before they can make a single sale. So how do Alchemists practice? Usually, on dolls or on themselves.

Artificers work spells into items through the nature of the materials and through sigilwork. Most Artifacts can be used by anyone, regardless of skill with magic. Common Artifacts include force wards and Slates.

There are other A-Class who aren't either Alchemists or Artificers. They don't have specific names, though sometimes form groups.

Magic comes from Patronage

Proxies act as avatars or enforcers for their patron god, using magic related to their patron's domain. They are often used by young or fading gods to gain notoriety and belief, and are usually very close to their patron. Often, the first or last follower of a god is given the ability of a Proxy as a gift. There is a significant tradition of gods giving Proxy status to those outside their typical worshippers.

Priests are less direct than proxies, and pass on blessings to people and areas. They are often high-ranking worshippers or worshippers who understand the religious teachings deeply. Priest-magicians are sometimes, but not always, considered priest-clerics; the two roles have separate words in most languages.

There are also The Blessèd, who are merely touched by their patron god. They do not have duties to their patron, but are often personally close or extremely faithful. The Blessèd include lovers of gods, adopted mortal children, and those who proved themselves in one way or another.

A-Class Magicians, Proxies, Priests, and some of The Blessèd are known as Sorcerers.


pardon our dust lmao

Greater Ironic


Hi Whela
Su Whela


Far East
East-Central Swamp
Deep Rainforest
Outer Rainforest
Outlying Islands
Central Coast
Life Sailors

Greater Dragonic



Sea Cliffs



Deep Favourtrade



Divinve Demons

Divine Visitants
Divine Roamers


Greatship Sailors





Gods are immensely powerful beings that serve and are served by their followers. Like Demons and Dragons, they are made of magic. Unlike Demons and Dragons, they are made of specific subsets of magic, also called Domains. A God's Domains influence their appearance and abilities, though they can change over time. Gods can lend a certain amount of their Domain magic to another being, either for a limited time or as part of a long-term agreement, and often a combination of both. Gods are also made of Belief. While a lack of Belief will not kill a God, it will weaken them. It is simple to kill a God that has no or very little Belief. That does not mean it is easy. It is much more complicated to kill a God that has stong Belief. That does not mean it is impossible.

Gods' Gods

sometimes gods make other gods that dont really have assosiated religions. sometimes this is to shelter a child, sometimes this is to keep distractions away from what their work is. Dee is a death gods' god of paperwork.

Demigods and Semigods

Gods, like Dragons and Iron Persons, are capable of sexual reproduction.

Like Demons, Gods are also capable of asexual reproduction, though not through mitosis but instead through processes similar to fragmentation or parthinogenesis. This isn't relevant to this section tho lol.


Cookie is the only Dragonic Demigod. Generally considered a poor decision on her parents' parts, she has outlived them both. Eir godly parent, eir father, was the Killed One.


If a person is blood-related to a God, but has less than one Godly grandparent, they are said to be Godblood


The Sun

The Moon

The Deaths

Other Domains


Most people of Hygira are at least a little religious. Because Gods are known, and often show themselves in some way or another, many people follow religions without really having faith. It's complicated.


Depending on the branch of Colins, there are two, three, or five gods recognized. Almost never are exactly four gods recognized

Vexan-Colins (Vexas)

While technically a subset of Colins, Vexan-Colina do not follow the major Colins Gods, the Sunwarden and Moonwatcher, at all. Vexan-Colina instead follow Vexas, the Scapegoat. Vexas is an interesting God because he is the first instance of a Green God being adopted into a major religion. Vexan-Colina also worship the Godly Daughter of Vexas, Hope



Solarism, Lunarism, and Caelestism
Other common Conceptual Religions





Incredibly varied religions with many tiny gods usually grouped under one heading for census reasons due to their structural similarity and geographic closeness.

Monotheistic Religions

While most religions are polytheistic, there are some monotheistic religions. Most religions do not have a clause that requires their followers to only follow one religion at a time, so some follow multiple at a time.


The most common monotheistic religion, Formists are followers of the Fifty Form God. The Fifty Form God similarly has Fifty Domains, each more broad than the last. They include things like Candles, Birds, The Sea, and Pears.

A-Rotwing (Arw)

A-Rotwing isn't technically a religion. It is the most common religion among Seacliff Dragons. It stands for Against-Rotwing, and its followers are called Those Against Rotwing (Tarw). Rotwing is a God in the shape of a Seacliff Dragon whose domains are Pestilence, Rot, Greed, and Poultry. Those Against Rotwing stand against The Rotwing by healing the sick, keeping things clean, being charitable, and not eating birds.


The Ether of All Dragons who Sleeps in the Core of the World until Only The Five Remain, better known as just The Ether because wow that's a mouthful, is the most common religion among all Dragons. The Ether's domains are Dragons and Geothermics. Coreligious people, as their followers are called, are generally are very subtle about it, especially in mixed company. This is because Coreligion has certain similarities to doomsday cults, and that's not really great conversation! Coreligion is also where the common quinary gender system for Lower Continent Dragons comes from.

The Headless Lady
The Wayfinder
The Killed One

The Killed One is dead, and good riddance. He was stripped of his names, titles, and Domains, and his Belief died with him. He was Killed in battle by Tim the Feared, though Tim succumbed to his injuries a day later.



(winged horses)

(elf workbeast)




(dragon relative)

Shadow Foxes


bat-rabbit small flying mammals, nonmagical


Regarded as a myth, Unicorns are in fact very real. Like Demons and Dragons, they are made of magic. However, they have too much magic to attain higher sentience. They wander, asking the question that makes up their name in a magically comprehensible language. They are very good at making people answer that question, and nothing else.



fantasy cell phones to call up ur god (not really)